Birth Preparation and Acupuncture Induction
Acupressure (and acupuncture) needs to start around 36 weeks to help a person's body prepare for labour. We usually recommend checking in with us around week 32 to make plans for birth preparation. Also if there is a breech presentation we usually want to begin helping with that as early as week 34.
Acupuncture is done on a weekly basis starting at 36 weeks . During this time, a support person will begin acupressure towards the same goal - preparing a person's body for labour.
So what can Acupuncture do to help this natural process
- Prepare the pregnant person's body for labour (like helping to ripen the cervix)
- Release oxytocin, which helps start the positive feedback loop of oxytocin in the body
- Help the pregnant person relax
During Labour (Acupressure and Acupuncture where possible)
- Reduce pain and fear during labour
- Optimize baby position
- Give the support person/partner a way to be very supportive and feel useful
during this very special time.
Acuheal Dundrum
Stokes Court,7 Main Street Dundrum, Dublin 14 D14 DY77