Please take time to read the clinic Manifesto by clicking on the following Link
To all the wonderful people who attend AcuHeal I want to say a big Thanks for being so patient while we have had to prepare the clinic to make it a safe space for you during these difficult COVID times
Acupuncture clinics are open for all services.
I have had to make some changes in the clinic too. I want to assure you that I have considered every measure to ensure your safety. I have completed WHO courses and a HSE recognised Health Prevention and Infection Control course to ensure your treatment takes place in the safest of environments.
I have created a clinic manifesto which I encourage you to read and download. This details the intricate steps that I have had to take until the pandemic is behind us.
At AcuHeal I hope you have always felt a warm healing nurturing space for you to come and escape the world. I hope that you will continue to feel this way but there will be a few changes that require you to look at before your upcoming treatment.
Please take the time to read this document for your own safety and the safety of your family and the community.
I am doing everything I can to make you feel safe but also have a restful and restorative experience.
Warmest Wishes and see you soon
Before you arrive for your appointment I would really appreciate if you could kindly fill out the following Pre - Treatment Screening Check Link
When you make contact with us at Acuheal we will schedule your appointment as soon as is possible. The first consultation may take 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes. We will send you forms to complete prior to the appointment and some COVID pre screen forms
All follow-up appointments will be offered in person however, treatment is subject to a number of conditions detailed below. Please read carefully and email us should you have any questions.
The day before your appointment you will be sent an email asking you to fill out the Pre Screening Check. It is ESSENTIAL you complete this survey prior to your appointment.. This is to ensure both your safety and the safety of the practitioner.
If you have started to develop symptoms in that time or you’ve been in close contact with someone that has then you will be asked to rearrange your treatment until after a period of quarantine, defined by the government.
The bathroom is still open for use however I encourage you to use your own bathroom before and after treatment.
It is essential you arrive on time to your appointment. If we are delayed we will text you to let you know. The reception room is no longer serving as a waiting room so if you do arrive early, you are encouraged to wait in your car (or on the bench outside). The clinic door will be locked until such a time that you are allowed in to clinic, at your appointment time.
Out of courtesy, I ask that you wear a mask at all times whilst in clinic, until we get further guidance on this from GOV / WHO. .
On arrival, please disinfect your hands with hand sanitiser. I may also take your temperature, digitally.
It’s with sadness that I will not be able to offer you cups of tea or magazines to read during your visit. It is my hope that this will change in the future and the waiting area will become a space of peace and relaxation once again. I will have water however I encourage you to bring your own drinking vessel bottle
Some helpful things to remember about the corona virus!
Try not to panic remember if you are reading this you’ve already survived Swine Flu, SARs, Avian Flu, MERs and that’s just since 2003!
The incubation period for the virus is 14 days but has been reported to be up to 41 days
✅This means you can be infectious for two weeks before symptoms show up.
✅ 98% of people who get the virus will recover!
✅ Washing your hands with soap and water is your best defence
✅ Wash your hands if you touch your face/ nose
✅ Keep hand Sanitizer to hand if out and about
✅ If you begin to feel unwell please contact your GP but do not go to the GP.
✅ If you are feeling unwell please cancel your acupuncture appointment and we will reschedule it no problem 😊
✅ Please take 1000 -2000 mg of quality Vitamin C daily
Acuheal Dundrum
Stokes Court,7 Main Street Dundrum, Dublin 14 D14 DY77